Introduction to the Universal Model
The Universal Model answers questions about Nature which many inquiring minds have often wondered. With powerful evidence and new scientific discoveries sure to spark an imminent Scientific Revolution, the UM changes the entire fabric of modern science, replacing its very foundation. Out of this pioneering work comes a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to learn about Nature as never before imagined.
In the first volume, you will discover a simple, yet completely new geological paradigm describing the planet-building processes and other major events on Earth. The new geology explains why the Earth has no magma at its center. It also reveals the true origin of lava and the source of its heat. It debunks long-held, false notions about rock and mineral creation, and it describes the formation of minerals such as salt and sand. Experiments clearly demonstrate why water exists almost everywhere, even in stars like the Sun, and how this remarkable substance forms minerals in planets and moons. The Universal Model presents a new explanation for most of the solar system’s craters and meteorites, the Earth’s weather and its energy field, along with exciting research that corrects the faulty view of the Earth’s history.