Question about the age of the Universe

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    Hi guys,

    I love what you are doing, it’s great to see science that’s guided by the scriptures. Could you guys help me out with a question? I was watching Cosmos (that series with Niel Degrasse Tyson), and he said that if you look at the Crab Nebula, it’s 6,500 light years away. He said that every time we look at it, we are looking back 6,500 years in the past because that’s how long it takes the light to reach our eyes.

    He must be wrong because that doesn’t fit what we read in the scriptures, but I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it’s not actually 6,500 light years away? Maybe the light traveled faster than the speed of light…? I don’t know, but I bet you guys do!

    Thank you,


    Carter Brown

    Hi Martin,

    We find some of the Creation history of the Earth recorded in scripture but no significant detail concerning the history of other Celestial objects except for some mention of the Moon. The Sun’s light is also discussed, but we don’t have any clear evidence of its age. Various star’s are mentioned but it is their light that we find discussed in general in ancient history, not the details of creation nor the time involved in creating other stars or galaxies.

    As far as the speed of light goes, the UM has made some significant discoveries on this topic that will be explained in Volume III. These new observations will open our understanding to former measurements of the Universe, which have errors just like we find in all other areas of science where old theories have been held onto for decades without any physical evidence demonstrating their validity.

    I hope this helps and encourages you to continue your reading of Volume I so you will be ready for when Volume II comes out!

    This is a quick response, let me know if you would like to discuss anything in more detail 🙂 ( I will do my best to answer as long as it doesn’t pertain to Volume II or III specifics)



    Hi Carter,

    Thanks for the response. What about Exodus 20:11? Or (if you’re LDS like me) Abraham 4:14? Does UM work with those scriptures?

    Frank Johnson

    Hi Martin,

    The LDS Church doesn’t emphasize or even talk about Joseph Smith’s King Follett sermon, which he delivered in April, 1844, shortly before his martyrdom. It would have been fascinating if he had lived long enough to elaborate on it. Anyway, one of the most astounding things that JS said was to explain how God came to be God. We are the only religion that I know of that ever even asked such a question, let alone provided an answer to it. The answer–from JS– suggests that the Universe exists primarily as a machine for creating gods–at least the God of this earth. Which suggests that it may be very old indeed, but that does not affect the question of how old our earth is. The question of all dating of our earth depends on whether radio-metric dating of rocks is correct or not, because this is the way fossils are dated by modern science—the age of the rocks they are found in. The UM strongly suggests that there are flaws in radio-metric dating systems. I believe, though, that this comes out in the Age Model, which is part of Volume 2. Frank


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