No person living today has experienced a scientific revolution, nor is anyone expecting one anytime soon. After reading the Universal Model, however, that assumption may change, this generation will very likely witness the next revolution in science.
Where will it come from? Probably not from the scientific community, but from without, as is the case for all past revolutions. History reveals that science does not advance by “consensus” but rather by revolution. Note the word that so often follows the names of the great scientists of the past (Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, etc.). This New Millennial Science promises nothing less than a scientific revolution. Technology has democratized the flow of information in our day, giving individuals the power to bypass institutional gatekeepers and to put forward compelling new ideas.
As publisher, I’ve had opportunity to examine the claims of the UM for several years. It is fascinating to watch as modern science confirms one-by-one, day-after-day, the claims set down in the UM more than 20 years ago.
Boyd J. Tuttle
Legends Library Publishing, Inc.
MBA from NTU/Lehigh University 1991
Former executive with Xerox Corp.