Grand Canyon, Sunset Crater, AZ (Meteor) Hydrocrater, and the Petrified Forest – UM Arizona GeoTour Oct 24-26
Dean Sessions and Russ Barlow will be taking an Arizona UM GeoTour October 24-26 through several exciting Arizona sites discussed in the Universal Model! The 3-day bus tour will leave from Las Vegas and go to the Grand Canyon, Sunset Crater, AZ (Meteor) Hydrocrater, and the Petrified Forest. Price includes per person double occupancy and covers 2 nights hotel, bus transportation, breakfasts, lunches, and all park entrance fees. Dinner is not included.
This is a chance to have many of your geological questions answered as we experience firsthand some of the most exciting discoveries of the UM. Discover the direct evidence of the young age of the Earth as well as the many evidences for hydrocraters rather than impact craters forming both on Earth and all other planetary bodies. Find out when fossils were formed and exactly how they are made as the UM has for the first time demonstrated the mechanism for fossil formation. This is the perfect time of year be experiencing this first UM GeoTour in Arizona. To get prices and learn more go here.
To sign up or get more information, call Russ Barlow at 702.400.9200 or email