Hi Rose,
No, the UM has not been peer-reviewed by actual scientists, and its concepts are not accepted. Normal scientists would typically consider the UM to be a particularly bizarre incarnation of pseudoscience. To get just a tiny sampling of what normal scientists would think is wrong with the UM, see the following forum thread:
BYU asks applicants to take the ACT, which has a science section, so your kids might really botch that if they are UM believers. I think BYU will also accept the SAT, which does not have a science section, but most students at BYU have to take classes called Physical Science 100 and Biology 100. I teach PS 100, and I can tell you unequivocally that a UMer would be at a terrible disadvantage in there.
Barry Bickmore
Professor of Geological Sciences
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah