I have always been a scientist in the classic sense. A scientist is one who uses the scientific method to observe and explain the world. Such science requires life-long self motivated learning, which is contrary to the current academic standards of our society. In too many schools, memorizing and regurgitating the right answer is rewarded while testing the answer to see if it was actually correct is not tolerated. From a young age I was deeply troubled by those who claim to be scientists, but who do not employ the scientific method. I became highly skeptical of those who rely on bald unsubstantiated assumptions, just-so-stories, textbook answers, and institutional authority for preconceived outcomes in the name of science without doing any actual science. It was because of the overwhelming bias towards so-called settled science which would not endure criticism and yet could not withstand the scrutiny of actual scientific testing that I abandoned a career path in the sciences. Instead, I have retained my commitment to the scientific method, and continue to perform my own experiments and observations. That is how and why I met Dean Sessions and became acquainted with the Universal Model.
Dean Sessions has been a refreshing and stark contrast to the voices of establishment science. He actually employs the scientific method. We have not always agreed. He and I have gone toe-to-toe on more than one issue. Instead of behaving like a Junior High science teacher whose last resort always seems to be “because I said so”, I have found that Dean always changes his hypothesis to match the evidence, instead of ignoring the evidence that does not substantiate his pet theory. I have found that he has done the heavy lifting of uncovering the details and history of many of the same issues in the scientific community that have bothered me, and that he has also gone to the trouble of formulating explanations that are both consistent with what has been observed so far, and also subject to revision as further observations are made. It is significant that he offers personal observation and employment of the scientific method as the final arbiter of whether his claims are correct or not.
The Universal Model is not done. It is only beginning. It is not final. It will change. It will always be a work in progress. True science lies at the frontier of human knowledge where what we know is not settled, but a wilderness expanding with discovery. The Universal Model restores the discovery process to science. The Universal Model is the future of science.
Richard E. Durfee Jr., M.A., J.D., Attorney-at-Law, USA