Related Videos – Living System

This documentary demonstrates the persecution of scholars who disagree with the Darwinian theory of evolution. This scholars have been suppressed by "Big Science" in order to keep Intelligent Design out of science and to keep with their own agendas. This film goes to prove with undeniable logic, is that scientists have been met with harsh opposition and have even received punishments from schools, universities and the scientific community merely for daring to ask inconvenient questions. The documentary is co-written and hosted by Ben Stein and was released in America on April 18, 2008....

In order for a theory to be proven correct, observation and experimentation must take place. In this video, one man asks a specific question to a large number of professors and students concerning any actual observable evidence of evolution taking place. You will notice the professors not being able to answer this important question, but more importantly, the students who have been blindly following the false philosophies that they are being taught. Learn more in Chapter 12 of the UM. ...