07 Oct I Learned to Question Everything With an Open Mind
Even before its publication the UM has been changing lives. I have had the privilege to see this first hand as well as be taught the UM principles, evidences and natural laws throughout most of my childhood and into my adult years. As a direct result of my own personal reading of the Universal Model, along with conversations over the years with those involved in its writing and research, I have been opened to life altering new discoveries that have forever changed the way I view the world around me.
My realization of the importance between truth and error and the impact either one can have on a generation and the world as a whole, has been one of my biggest takeaways from the UM. After reading the UM my eyes were opened to the devastation that deception in science can cause. I have always been taught by my father to question everything with an open mind. As I grew older that phrase took on new meaning as I read the UM and realized exactly how essential this concept is to not only learning new truth but also in exposing the deceptions that are currently being taught. Truth always has a way of prevailing and as part of the next generation braced to take on the weight of improving our world, it is up to us to see the deception for what it really is, stand up and refuse to be apart or contribute to it any longer.
The truths in the Universal Model are only the beginning of an exciting new movement toward increased knowledge and human advancement. It has been a once in a lifetime opportunity to be apart of something that is so centrally focused on discovering new truths for the sole purpose of increasing knowledge around the world. The UM has broadened my knowledge and brightened a world of discovery that before seemed closed off and dark. Reading it and learning its new laws and principles will give you a simple yet beautiful new lense in which to view not only the world around you, but also yourself.
Brooke E. McKay, real estate agent and mother, USA
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