System FQs

Questions & Answers

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Earth System FQ’s


Q1: How do Cumulus clouds form in a desert with no standing water near by?

A: Cumulus clouds are the common cauliflower-like, puffy, often flat-bottomed clouds, forming most often at lower altitudes. Using Chapter 9 the Weather Model, these cloud forms and their origins can be easily explained, for the first time. Clouds are created by pressure changes to air saturated by one of two mechanisms. Learn more of the true origin of our weather in this chapter and discover the simplicity of Nature.

Q2: Why is the origin of salt, the most abundant mineral on the entire surface of the Earth, unknown to Modern Science?

A: There is a great mystery surrounding this abundant mineral, the depth and breadth of which is almost unfathomable, as you will soon see. Neither geologists nor modern science has answers for its origin. Although they claim that all modern deposits of this mineral are evaporites that came from desiccated shallow seas, they do not address where the actual mineral itself, comes from. It forms the largest single rock mineral formation in the world, yet it remains a puzzling mystery in science today. In chapters 6 and 8 we will see this all-important, life-giving mineral in a whole new light, and just as importantly, we will recognize how the modern science theory of the origin of all rocks has no answers for the origin of the mineral salt.

Q3: If radiocarbon dating produces essentially meaningless dates, of what value is the method? And how can it be used to give the correct age of our Earth?

A: Throughout chapter 10, we discuss the details of each dating method and examine the scientific evidence to evaluate which dating methods work and which methods fail. The most common method modern science uses to date rocks is radiometric dating and when it is applied to rocks with a known historical age (such as historic lava flows) it fails miserably. If we cannot use this method to accurately date young rocks, how can the method accurately date older rocks? If one thinks about it, every scientific field and every aspect of Nature is date dependent or date related. The dating paradigm glasses through which one looks determines how the Universe is viewed and ultimately, affects how we view ourselves. With that in mind, it becomes critical to discover and confirm the true date of all things—otherwise our perception of the world around us and, more especially, our perception of who we are will be flawed.

Q4: What really happened to the all the dinosaurs that used to roam the Earth?

A: One very popular natural science topic is the origin and life of the dinosaur—the Dinosaur Mystery. The public is fascinated by the mysterious world these creatures inhabited, and Hollywood has taken full advantage of this fascination by portraying a theoretical dinosaur world based in part on the beliefs of modern science. Unfortunately, the Dark Age of Modern Science led to the development of a fictionalized dinosaur world based almost wholly on theory, and relying little on fact. To find real evidence of the “mass extinction” of the ancient dinosaurs you can read Chapter 8 Universal Flood.

Q5: How can the Earth’s magnetic field come from its molten magma core if heat destroys magnetism?

A: In one form or another, modern science consensus says Earth’s “magnetic field” results from the motion of molten iron at the core of the Earth. There is one glaring problem—it is incorrect. The Earth’s energy field does not form a smooth, circular field surrounding our globe. The actual field is writhing and twisting, turning in and out, it consists of a mix of high and low energy levels within the field. The field is anything but smooth and circular. As we read Chapter 5 we can come to understand this false theory and begin to unravel the facts about our Earth’s energy field.

Living System FQ’s


Q1: Where do we find the process of fossilization happening today?

A: In Chapter 11 Fossil Model we begin by defining what a fossil really is and by examining a variety of Fossil Pseudotheory claims. Following that, we transition into how fossils are actually formed using a newly discovered process. After explaining the process, we demonstrate it with actual experiments wherein laboratory fossils are made. We will also look at fossil patterns, which help explain how and why fossils formed; they are a key to the origin of fossils. New evidences that demonstrate fossils do not take millions of years to form. They don’t take years, or even months to form, but require only a few days.

Q2: If no accurate evidence demonstrates that the human race originated in Africa, where can we find true evidence for the location where the human race began?

A: In modern science, the Origin of Humanity remains a “messy affair” and a hotly debated, unsettled controversy even among anthropologists. It seems that with each new year, “surprise” is delivered to the scientists who are looking for our ancestors, but the surprises never seem to provide the sought-after clarity of Human Origins. Instead, they only blur the picture further. In Chapter 15 Clovis Model we will reveal new truths of where the first humans originated and we will more fully understand our ancestors.

Q3: Did Charles Darwin really observe speciation and evolution in his studies of the Galapagos finches?

A: Because Darwin theorized about things he could not observe with his own eyes or with any scientific instrument, he made profound mistakes. Darwin thought that the finches he collected from the Galapagos Islands became “distinct species” but neither he nor anyone else ever demonstrated how speciation occurred within the finch populations. Because the finches could interbreed, they were not different species at all, they were simply, as Darwin had first thought before being convinced otherwise, just different breeds. Darwin was convinced along with generations after him that the finches were “different species,” though they were not and still are not different species. More facts about evolution’s False Finch Icon can be found in Chapter 13 Living Model along with many more new evidences and examples that break down the theory of Evolution.

Q4: Why do all living organisms need salt to survive?

A: Although this FQ is not adequately answered in  modern science, scientists have discovered that: “All organisms keep the amount of salt in their bodies in balance, using water to remove excessive amounts of the substance.” This statement offers insight into the process of salt-balance in living organisms, but knowledge of a functioning process does not answer the wisdom questions of why or how it happens; wisdom that is necessary to comprehend why salt is an integral part all living things. The typical answer to the question about the origin of the salt in the body is that it comes from what we eat. However, humans drink significantly more water by volume than they eat in food volume, so the salt concentration in the human body would be dramatically lower than the salt content of the consumed food if that was the end to the story. To get the full truth on this topic we can read in Chapters 8 and 13.

Q5: What decides if a country will be ‘developed’ or successful?

A: The type of government and people who governIn each of these three examples (USA/Mexico border, East/West Germany and North/South Korea) the difference between the successful and non-successful societies is the kind of government that is in place and what type of people do the governing. In Chapter 16 we will explore the different types of government and the correct governing principles that must be followed for a society to be able to have trust in their leaders. The people themselves in any society ultimately decide what kind of government they will have, even in repressive situations whether or not the people rebel and take the government into their own hands or not, is up to the populace.

Universe System FQ’s


Q1: What if some of the fundamental measurements and constants in science are not correct?

A: How many science experts or researchers think of such a possibility? Probably no one thinks about it because measurements have been around for so long. But what would happen if some of the fundamental measurements in science were to change? What might science do if they discovered their understanding and hence their definition of mass, length, or time was not correct? We will understand more about these questions and find the answers when we read Chapters 17-20 and discover new truths concerning science’s fundamental measurements.

Q2: Why have the standard kilogram weights kept in safes all around the world gained weight over time?

A: How could this be? According to modern science, mass is supposed to be an intrinsic property that does not change. Obviously the mass is changing and nobody can explain why with any clarity or prediction. Some weights have only changed slightly while others have changed dramatically. Why? Chapter 18 of the Universal Model will demonstrate the cause of this weight change and establish new physical parameters for weighing objects.

Q3: What does the formula E=mc2 describe in Nature?

A: The answer is nothing. In the words of Richard Feynman, “It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is.” Feynman to many scientists was the second most celebrated physicist behind Einstein and was brutally honest when he stated that modern physics has “no knowledge of what energy is.” Physics is defined as the study of matter and energy. So why would modern physicists not know what energy is? In Chapters 21 and 22, we begin to unravel the many false theories being taught as fact in physics and uncover new truths found about matter and energy.

Q4: Where in Nature can we observe the speed of light being constant?

A: Because natural light exists in a natural medium including outer space, light speed depends on when it was released into the medium and the density of the medium. There is no ‘speed of light’ c in Nature and the speed will vary as it slows down and is not a single number such as 300,000 km/sec. Chapters 19 and 21 will confirm that modern physics now knows that the speed of each colored light is not the same. With new technology today, we can show that Einstein was incorrect in thinking that the light speed for various colors of light was the same or constant.

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