16 Mar Megaflood Formations
By: Jarom W. Sessions
“Geologists couldn’t account for the strange landforms of eastern Washington State. Then a high school teacher dared to question the scientific dogma of his day.”
In 1909, a high school teacher by the name of J Harlen Bretz, visited the University of Washington to learn about the 16,000 square miles of dry waterfalls that reside in the Columbia Plateau. Bretz did not have any formal training in geology, but while observing these structures he noticed that there was no apparent water source or river that would of carved these massive canyons and falls. Bretz confronted the faculty with his question but they could not explain the many unusual features of the region.
With enthusiasm to discover the truth of these geological enigmas, Bretz earned his Ph.D. in geology and returned back to eastern Washington. After two seasons in the field, his conclusions shocked even himself: “The only possible explanation for the all the region’s features was a massive flood, perhaps the largest in the Earth’s history”. His conclusions showed that a megaflood “ripped soil and rock from the landscape, carving canyons and cataracts in a matter of days”.
This was considered geological heresy. Ever since 1830 with the release of Charles Lyell’s book titled, Principles of Geology, the standard was set that geological change was gradual and uniform—and as Lyell put it, “causes now in operation.” Let’s take a moment to really grasp this concept. Modern geology teaches that over millions and millions of years all the geological structures we see today were formed by erosion and that this process is still happening today. Now if this were even remotely true, would we not be able to observe this? Even in the slightest degree? This theory is not observable in Nature in any way or form so therefore we must find the correct solution.
After years of more research and discovery, Bretz stated in a paper that “the floodwaters carved the famous Grand Coulee, a canyon up to three miles wide with walls up to a thousand feet high, cut hundreds of waterfalls, washed away entire hillsides, deposited gravel bars hundreds of feet high, carried rocks the size of cars and even small houses, and created a terrain of braided channels across eastern Washington.”
This type of discovery caused much opposition for Bretz, even to the point that the leaders in the geological community stated that his hypothesis was not just “wholly inadequate,” but also “preposterous” and “incompetent”. Scientists almost always favor their own theories over others’, and rarely are those theories completely right.
Taken from the National Geographic article published in March of 2017 on J Harlen Bretz we read, “With the flood story in mind, it all seems so obvious—so obvious, in fact, that it’s almost impossible to see the terrain and not see the floodwaters that shaped it. Why, then, were the experts in Bretz’s day so blind to what now seems like a self-evident geological record? I posed that question to Vic Baker, a geologist with the University of Arizona who became the pre-eminent scablands expert in Bretz’s wake, when we met to tour several of the region’s features. ‘It’s the mistake people have made most in the history of science,’ he said. ‘They forgot that nature has the answers, not us. They were just countering his arguments with theory.’ And because scientists are first and foremost human beings, they loathe to change their theories or their minds because of mere data.”
By the time the Geological Society of America finally recognized Bretz’s work with the Penrose Medal, the field’s highest honor, it was 1979 and Bretz was 96 years old. He made this joke with his son, “All my enemies are dead, so I have no one to gloat over.” Let this be a lesson for us and further generations. We must learn to embrace new data with an open mind rather than blocking new scientific discovery solely because its is different than the theories being so widely taught. The scientific dogma that has been polluting modern geology (and many other fields of science) for over the last century has had a tight grip on its ideas and theories, but we learn from J Harlen Bretz that the truth will always triumph.
Bretz swam against the current and was able to make a remarkable discovery. The Universal Model has made that very same journey, and it has made hundreds of new scientific discoveries in all major fields of science. The new evidences found in the UM shed even more light on the work done by Bretz as we demonstrate the origin of the “megaflood” and where the water came from that formed so many geological landforms around the world. To read more visit Chapter 8.2 of the Universal Model.
To read the full article from National Geographic click here
To read more about what the Universal Model is click here

Jarom Sessions is a university student studying business management. Being the son of Dean Sessions, author of the Universal Model, has given Jarom a unique perspective of science and truth. In his free time Jarom likes to be outdoors and participates in various sports. Jarom loves meeting new people and enjoys spending time with family, friends, and his wife.
Allan Wade
Posted at 00:57h, 28 MarchExcellent article Jarom. Too often scientists get stuck in their own theory and are not open minded. Bretz is a great example of discovering the truths of nature by looking at it objectively.
Posted at 06:01h, 08 AprilGood article accept Bretz was vindicated by the discovery of the ice age Lake Missoula in Montana. Lake Missoula was created by glacial flow which created a dam. Lake Missoula would form and grow until it reached a breaking point at which point the torrent of water would flow do down the Spokane River into the Columbia and then wash out over the Grand Coulee carving out the rock. This was a sequence that happened many, many times not just once. Bretz was criticized by his peers because he could never prove where the water came from. It was others after him that found the source.
Jarom Sessions
Posted at 09:45h, 14 AprilThe Universal Model is aware of this theory and if you read in Chapter 8 you will find new evidences that show glacial flow was not the cause for these geological landforms. The water source came from a universal flood that covered the entire Earth.
Kay Dahn
Posted at 14:09h, 16 JulyI have been to this area 2 or 3 times many years ago when we would come to visit my brother. It is awe inspiring and I naturally accepted the explanation on the plaque at the Dry Falls as to how it was created. I’ve also been to the area around the Snake River in Idaho where they talk about how massive flooding from backed up water caused the geologic features there are well. Envisioning these places with the new eyes of the Universal Flood has been amazing. Thanks for this article.
Posted at 09:45h, 25 SeptemberAs a Christian student of all sciences, preparing for a degree in forestry, range and watershed management, I resented the “millions of years” evolutionary foundation taught in all sciences, in all universities. Years later, I discovered “The Genesis Flood” by Whitcomb and Morris.. Their photos of giant human footprints preserved alongside 3-toed dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy streambed rock near Glenrose Texas are a prime example of “peers” who refuse to accept raw evidence that evolution theory is false. Equally damning evidences are liberally presented throughout the book. I consider it a companion forerunner of UM.
Truth falls into 3 categories for me – Religion, Science, and Politics. All three suffer from similar uniformitarian concepts, all from the same source – the master of deceit. . My source of truth in Religion is the “Book of Mormon;” in Science it was “The Genesis Flood.” In Politics it was “The Miracle of America,” by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen. Bob Webster, Pleasant Grove, UT.