
I feel like it was a gift and blessing when I discovered this amazing work, being done in my own backyard! I am building new system for education and I was invited to come to a local presentation. I remember feeling anxious that this was...

After many hours at my computer, I have just finished reading Volume 1 of the Universal Model and it has been a significant journey in my life, I could even say it has been transformative because now I look at the earth differently. Although my...

I look forward to these three volumes of the Universal Model changing the history of all the Sciences. I just finished Volume I, The Earth System and it is well organized with pictures and quotes from research. I like how it starts by telling about...

My 68 years of life has taught me that without an open mind I cannot learn past the norm. Striking out searching for new horizons is not for the faint hearted. To climb the mountain of truth one must leave the comfort of the valley....

I first became acquainted with the Universal Model about 6 years before its public launch. At the time, I was a senior in college, majoring in biological sciences. I, of course, was in many biology classes, all of which focused on the paradigm of evolution....

In my science class all of the students were asked to pick a theory of how the universe came about. We were also asked to answer a question about our topic. I was having a slight struggle finding a topic I wanted to present on....

The Universal Model has changed the way I think about science. I have learned not to believe everything that I have been taught, but instead, to question how science concepts originate. I want to see for myself how the data has been interpreted and, even...

I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my...

I have always been a scientist in the classic sense. A scientist is one who uses the scientific method to observe and explain the world. Such science requires life-long self motivated learning, which is contrary to the current academic standards of our society. In too...

Hello, my name is Pam, and I’m a seeker. Sometimes being a seeker feels like an addiction, a thirst for truth that can never be quenched. In my case, it began as a gut feeling that I was never quite getting the “whole” story. All...