
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I've come to the Universal Model with religion in mind. I am amazed by how the Universal Model enhances the scriptures rather than contradicts them (as modern-day science does). I keep finding gold...

My husband and I bought Volume I about two or three years ago, but just really started reading and studying it. We love the simple truths discussed therein and how understandable Science really is. As one who wanted to go into Geology, I was turned...

My wife and I are overjoyed to have been introduced to the UM! We had been searching for the evidence of the Truths we know. This work has cleared the confusion from the mix of truths and false teachings. We have been witnessing many new...

I've read the first two volumes and look forward the publication of volume three. The books are written from a purely scientific, not a religious, perspective....

The Universal model has changed my understanding of the world we live in. It provides answers to longstanding questions that "modern science" has proverbially thrown in the towel of trying to understand and has adopted theories over natural laws. The underlying question that the UM...

I am excited by truth in every aspect of my life. We find Truth defined in the Universal Model as knowledge of what is, was, and will be. In other words, truth doesn’t change. It is constant and consistent over time. It can be counted...

The first thing that one learns in university when commencing the study of science is the indoctrination that a scientist never lie. Toss that doctrine because it is not observed in science. The Universal Method asks only one thing. Think. If a scientific tradition is...

I have always had a hard time learning and staying interested in science related topics/discussions. UM has opened my eyes to a new world of exploration and discovery! I attended a UM presentation 3 days ago and ever since I can't get enough and I...

Bob Webster, BS Forester, Public Information Officer, Health Inspector, Author, Ordained Minister I graduated from college with a frustrated distaste for the evolutionary perspective being included in the sciences. In my private life, I discovered published books by competent scientists, full of scientific verifications of the Biblical...

The Universal Model has brought an outpouring of truth back into the fields of Science. I never would have imagined that Science and Religion would come together as one in my lifetime. I loved Geology in High School but my interest dropped off even after...