
I have had the privilege of being around Dean since the inception of the UM. In its early stages, I sat with Dean, listening to him talk about the new discovers he has made. I remember being in awe of his discoveries, such as the...

I want answers. I’m the type of person who looks for truth and looks closely for errors when presented with information. I’m not the type that will accept something at face value without wanting to verify. At the same time, I’m the type of person...

Going through school I always knew that the teachings in my science classes were wrong. So many things just didn’t feel right and didn’t make sense. When I was introduced to the UM it was so refreshing to see a new perspective in so many...

My father was a high school earth sciences and physics teacher and I pestered him with questions like: Where did rocks and fossils come from? How did those sandstone layers get all jumbled up? How does gravity work? How can mass transform into energy? Sometimes...

A German physicist and mathematician said regarding the German energy revolution, “250 years ago Europe freed itself from religious mind oppression. About 100 years ago Germany was the Mecca of physics with uncensored thoughts and discussion at the universities. Now we are back to dark...

The UM for me has been a bitter sweet journey. I am a recent graduate (5/2015) from the University of Utah, where I obtained my B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in chemistry. I have always had a passion for science and engineering...

The Universal Model is a marvelous thing. When all is said and done, the UM will make it into the books as one of the strangest events that has ever happened in recorded history. Imagine with me, millions of the ‘wisest’ and most prudent men...

I have always loved science – the discovery of Truth. It answered so many questions. But there were many questions that, sadly were never answered. I was told to simply believe. I remember in the sixties sitting in the church pews trying to fit a...

There are major events or milestones in my life that alter everything. The Universal Model is one of those. After years and years of searching and learning about science on my own, an amazing thing happened. In 2007 I was in the right place at...

No person living today has experienced a scientific revolution, nor is anyone expecting one anytime soon. After reading the Universal Model, however, that assumption may change, this generation will very likely witness the next revolution in science. Where will it come from? Probably not from the...