Universal Model Reviews

Light and Truth

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’ve come to the Universal Model with religion in mind. I am amazed by how the Universal Model enhances the scriptures rather than contradicts them (as modern-day science does). I keep finding gold… Read more “Light and Truth”

Sheri Champneys
Occupation:Homeschooling ("Unschooling") Mom
Country:United States

Science Made Understandable!

My husband and I bought Volume I about two or three years ago, but just really started reading and studying it. We love the simple truths discussed therein and how understandable Science really is. As one who wanted to go into Geology, I was turned… Read more “Science Made Understandable!”

Erica Horsley
Occupation:Program Specialist

The UM is the Most True Science!

My wife and I are overjoyed to have been introduced to the UM! We had been searching for the evidence of the Truths we know. This work has cleared the confusion from the mix of truths and false teachings. We have been witnessing many new… Read more “The UM is the Most True Science!”

Peter Knudsen
Occupation:General Laborer & Father
Country:United States of America

The Universal Model has changed my life

I’ve read the first two volumes and look forward the publication of volume three. The books are written from a purely scientific, not a religious, perspective. Even so, after reading the books my belief is confirmed that if there is a God in heaven who… Read more “The Universal Model has changed my life”

Clark B Terry
Occupation:Founder of Vigoroom.com

True observational science!

The Universal model has changed my understanding of the world we live in. It provides answers to longstanding questions that “modern science” has proverbially thrown in the towel of trying to understand and has adopted theories over natural laws. The underlying question that the UM… Read more “True observational science!”

Christian Mortensen
Occupation:Registered Nurse
Country:United States

How Do I Recognize The Difference Between Truth and Error?

I am excited by truth in every aspect of my life. We find Truth defined in the Universal Model as knowledge of what is, was, and will be. In other words, truth doesn’t change. It is constant and consistent over time. It can be counted… Read more “How Do I Recognize The Difference Between Truth and Error?”

Larry Saunders
Occupation:College Professor

Get Real Science

The first thing that one learns in university when commencing the study of science is the indoctrination that a scientist never lie. Toss that doctrine because it is not observed in science. The Universal Method asks only one thing. Think. If a scientific tradition is… Read more “Get Real Science”

Mark Tama Ellis
Occupation:Environmental Consultant

A Force of Nature!

I have always had a hard time learning and staying interested in science related topics/discussions. UM has opened my eyes to a new world of exploration and discovery! I attended a UM presentation 3 days ago and ever since I can’t get enough and I… Read more “A Force of Nature!”

Devon Krebs
Occupation:Police Officer
Country:United States


Bob Webster, BS Forester, Public Information Officer, Health Inspector, Author, Ordained Minister I graduated from college with a frustrated distaste for the evolutionary perspective being included in the sciences. In my private life, I discovered published books by competent scientists, full of scientific verifications of… Read more “I LOVE TRUTH – UM IS TRUE SCIENCE”

Bob Webster
Country:United States

Life Changing!

The Universal Model has brought an outpouring of truth back into the fields of Science. I never would have imagined that Science and Religion would come together as one in my lifetime. I loved Geology in High School but my interest dropped off even after… Read more “Life Changing!”

Dennis Cox Review
Dennis W Cox
Occupation:Building Mechanic Supervisor
Country:United States

I Found Clear Answers to Questions

I’m not a scientist, but I consider myself a science junkie. I’ve always been fascinated with science news and information. I was very skeptical when I first took a look at the Universal Model, but as I began to read I was amazed. I found… Read more “I Found Clear Answers to Questions”

I Found Clear Answers to Questions
Matthew Champneys
Occupation:Business Owner

I’m So Excited to Learn About Our Earth

I always wanted to learn about the earth but never really took the time UNTIL I met Dean. I could feel the truth of what he was teaching me but it was all to new for me. I’ve been reading the first volume, The Earth… Read more “I’m So Excited to Learn About Our Earth”

I’m So Excited to Learn About Our Earth
Melanie Gibb
Occupation:Homemaker, Foot Renewist

Its Scope is Truly Outstanding

At some point, the rising generation will regard the message of the Universal Model: A New Millennial Science, as the catalyst for ushering in an age of enlightenment and exploration of the earth, the cosmos and the human body such as has not been experienced… Read more “Its Scope is Truly Outstanding”

Dr. David M. Tuttle
Occupation:Instructional Science, PhD

New Knowledge and Understanding

As a young man I had experiences that led me to believe in what I would say are eternal truths. As I continued through my schooling in university and professional schools I was constantly bombarded with the wisdom of the world and the theories of… Read more “New Knowledge and Understanding”

McLloyd Barney Review
McLloyd Barney

It All Makes Sense

It all makes sense because not only can we see it in nature, but how it aligns itself so closely to world history and religion. Many things in science and the earth that were seemingly unreachable and mysterious are brought to a greater light; all… Read more “It All Makes Sense”

Jared Arp

It Answers Questions

By unusual circumstances, the UM fell into my hands, far away from the USA. I study in it every day because it answers questions. I have spent much time in my life studying science and so many times I have thought to myself: ‘Well, I… Read more “It Answers Questions”

Universal Model Reviews
Ronald Gudnason
Occupation:Science teacher and tour guide

The Most Fascinating Book

Wow!! What a book. It is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read. I only have 100 pages remaining and when I finish, I’m going to read it again. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of the book. Sessions started… Read more “The Most Fascinating Book”

Robert L. Mehl

This is Phenomenal!

I liken the UM to a hydrofountain so powerful that its effects will be felt worldwide. Truth is light and light over powers darkness. I predict that the UM, founded on truth, will have an everlasting and profound effect on mankind for good as it… Read more “This is Phenomenal!”

Richard Hale
Occupation:Audio Video Specialist

The UM Connected the Dots

I was truly astounded with the knowledge and passion behind the UM. The answers in which I received and the confirmation in my heart knowing that this information is going to bless and change the world has overcome me with a conviction and duty to… Read more “The UM Connected the Dots”

Kristen Hicks
Occupation:Mentor, Speaker, Trainer & Alternative Therapist

The Most Exciting Knowledge

This is some of the most exciting knowledge I have come across in my life!!! Thanks for your hard work in this new world of facts. Looking forward to more – keep going! -Traci Gardner, USA

Traci Gardner

Opening Endless Doors for Discovery

I feel like it was a gift and blessing when I discovered this amazing work, being done in my own backyard! I am building new system for education and I was invited to come to a local presentation. I remember feeling anxious that this was… Read more “Opening Endless Doors for Discovery”

Kathryn Spencer
Occupation:CEO of American Family Education

A Significant Journey in My Life

After many hours at my computer, I have just finished reading Volume 1 of the Universal Model and it has been a significant journey in my life, I could even say it has been transformative because now I look at the earth differently. Although my… Read more “A Significant Journey in My Life”

Ruth Whidden Yates
Occupation:M.A. M.Ed. Merritt
Country:British Columbia

Changing the History of All the Sciences

I look forward to these three volumes of the Universal Model changing the history of all the Sciences. I just finished Volume I, The Earth System and it is well organized with pictures and quotes from research. I like how it starts by telling about… Read more “Changing the History of All the Sciences”

Alyn Olson

The Universal Model is a Mountain of Truth

My 68 years of life has taught me that without an open mind I cannot learn past the norm. Striking out searching for new horizons is not for the faint hearted. To climb the mountain of truth one must leave the comfort of the valley.… Read more “The Universal Model is a Mountain of Truth”

Tom Barratt

Learning the UM was Fun!

I first became acquainted with the Universal Model about 6 years before its public launch. At the time, I was a senior in college, majoring in biological sciences. I, of course, was in many biology classes, all of which focused on the paradigm of evolution.… Read more “Learning the UM was Fun!”

Rachel M. Harper
Occupation:Bachelor of Science

The UM is a Wonderful Book

In my science class all of the students were asked to pick a theory of how the universe came about. We were also asked to answer a question about our topic. I was having a slight struggle finding a topic I wanted to present on.… Read more “The UM is a Wonderful Book”

Britney Barlow

It Changed the Way I Think About Science

The Universal Model has changed the way I think about science. I have learned not to believe everything that I have been taught, but instead, to question how science concepts originate. I want to see for myself how the data has been interpreted and, even… Read more “It Changed the Way I Think About Science”

It Changed the Way I Think About Science
Peggy Ash

The UM is for All Lovers of Truth

I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my… Read more “The UM is for All Lovers of Truth”

The UM is for All Lovers of Truth
Chauncey C. Riddle
Occupation:Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Brigham Young University

A Refreshing Contrast to Establishment Science

I have always been a scientist in the classic sense. A scientist is one who uses the scientific method to observe and explain the world. Such science requires life-long self motivated learning, which is contrary to the current academic standards of our society. In too… Read more “A Refreshing Contrast to Establishment Science”

A Refreshing Contrast to Establishment Science
Richard E. Durfee Jr.
Occupation:M.A., J.D., Attorney-at-Law

This Science Book is a Seeker’s Heaven!

Hello, my name is Pam, and I’m a seeker. Sometimes being a seeker feels like an addiction, a thirst for truth that can never be quenched. In my case, it began as a gut feeling that I was never quite getting the “whole” story. All… Read more “This Science Book is a Seeker’s Heaven!”

This Science Book is a Seeker’s Heaven!
Pam Bolla
Occupation:B.S. Central Washington University

The UM Has Opened My Eyes

I have had the privilege of being around Dean since the inception of the UM. In its early stages, I sat with Dean, listening to him talk about the new discovers he has made. I remember being in awe of his discoveries, such as the… Read more “The UM Has Opened My Eyes”

The UM Has Opened My Eyes
Nita Caffrey

Huge Difference Between Science of Theory vs Science of Observation and Experimentation

In 2001 I had the privilege of rafting the Upper Salt River in Arizona. It was in February during the snow runoff and the water levels were perfect. I remember it was snowing at the top of Salt River Canyon and raining at the bottom… Read more “Huge Difference Between Science of Theory vs Science of Observation and Experimentation”

Huge Difference Between Science of Theory vs Science of Observation and Experimentation
John N. Bevell Jr.
Occupation:Guest Ranch Operations Manager & River Guide

The UM Information is Magnificent!

I want answers. I’m the type of person who looks for truth and looks closely for errors when presented with information. I’m not the type that will accept something at face value without wanting to verify. At the same time, I’m the type of person… Read more “The UM Information is Magnificent!”

The UM Information is Magnificent!
Lowell R. Taylor
Occupation:Bible Scholar / Sales and Marketing

Refreshing to See a New Perspective

Going through school I always knew that the teachings in my science classes were wrong. So many things just didn’t feel right and didn’t make sense. When I was introduced to the UM it was so refreshing to see a new perspective in so many… Read more “Refreshing to See a New Perspective”

Refreshing to See a New Perspective
Matt Spencer
Occupation: MSEE, MSSE, MBA

Seeing Past Theoretical Science

My father was a high school earth sciences and physics teacher and I pestered him with questions like: Where did rocks and fossils come from? How did those sandstone layers get all jumbled up? How does gravity work? How can mass transform into energy? Sometimes… Read more “Seeing Past Theoretical Science”

Seeing Past Theoretical Science
Jae G. Heiner
Occupation:MEEE, Senior Systems Engineer – Spacecraft Design Engineer

The UM Project Shows Solutions

A German physicist and mathematician said regarding the German energy revolution, “250 years ago Europe freed itself from religious mind oppression. About 100 years ago Germany was the Mecca of physics with uncensored thoughts and discussion at the universities. Now we are back to dark… Read more “The UM Project Shows Solutions”

The UM Project Shows Solutions
Markus M. Frenzel
Occupation:Wholes Salesman
Country:Bavaria, Germany

I Would Recommend This Book to Anyone

The UM for me has been a bitter sweet journey. I am a recent graduate (5/2015) from the University of Utah, where I obtained my B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in chemistry. I have always had a passion for science and engineering… Read more “I Would Recommend This Book to Anyone”

I Would Recommend This Book to Anyone
Victor C. Crane
Occupation:Metallurgical Engineer

This is ‘The Real Deal’

The Universal Model is a marvelous thing. When all is said and done, the UM will make it into the books as one of the strangest events that has ever happened in recorded history. Imagine with me, millions of the ‘wisest’ and most prudent men… Read more “This is ‘The Real Deal’”

This is ‘The Real Deal’
Carter J. Brown

The UM is Demonstrating Facts!

I have always loved science – the discovery of Truth. It answered so many questions. But there were many questions that, sadly were never answered. I was told to simply believe. I remember in the sixties sitting in the church pews trying to fit a… Read more “The UM is Demonstrating Facts!”

The UM is Demonstrating Facts!
James R. Michaud
Occupation:Pediatric Dentist

The Universal Model will Rock your world!

There are major events or milestones in my life that alter everything. The Universal Model is one of those. After years and years of searching and learning about science on my own, an amazing thing happened. In 2007 I was in the right place at… Read more “The Universal Model will Rock your world!”

Gregory McIver
Occupation:Sales Representative

The Next Revolution in Science

No person living today has experienced a scientific revolution, nor is anyone expecting one anytime soon. After reading the Universal Model, however, that assumption may change, this generation will very likely witness the next revolution in science. Where will it come from? Probably not from… Read more “The Next Revolution in Science”

The Next Revolution in Science
Boyd J. Tuttle
Occupation:President Legends Library Publishing, Inc. MBA, Former executive with Xerox Corp.

The Claims are Almost Unbelievable

Participating in the launch of the Universal Model has been life-changing experience. I was introduced to it by a very good friend of mine and this whole journey for me has been incredible. When I was first introduced to the UM, I resolved to approach… Read more “The Claims are Almost Unbelievable”

The Claims are Almost Unbelievable
Jacob T. Householder

The UM was Filled with Explanations

Reading the UM has been extremely interesting to me. Reading the earth system chapters, in particular, reminded me of taking a peek at these topics from heaven’s point of view- (seeing things the way they really are). When I was young, I was fascinated by… Read more “The UM was Filled with Explanations”

The UM was Filled with Explanations
Wade C. Kohlhase
Occupation:Commercial and agricultural real estate owner, investor

I Learned to Question Everything With an Open Mind

Even before its publication the UM has been changing lives. I have had the privilege to see this first hand as well as be taught the UM principles, evidences and natural laws throughout most of my childhood and into my adult years. As a direct… Read more “I Learned to Question Everything With an Open Mind”

I Learned to Question Everything With an Open Mind
Brooke E. McKay
Occupation:Real estate agent and mother

I See Evidence of a Worldwide Flood Wherever I Go

My view of the world around me has totally changed. As a young boy I loved science. It was my favorite subject. I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up. As I got older and I was taught more and more about the… Read more “I See Evidence of a Worldwide Flood Wherever I Go”

I See Evidence of a Worldwide Flood Wherever I Go
Lareme Fessler
Occupation:Licensed Agent, Property & Casualty Insurance

Thousands of Hours of Research and Experimentation

When I first met Dean over 25 years ago, he was just starting to talk about writing a book on the truth of Science. Dean was concerned about false statements in College science text books. After many questions that his professors could not answer, Dean… Read more “Thousands of Hours of Research and Experimentation”

Thousands of Hours of Research and Experimentation
Bruce Ross
Occupation:Owner of Centurion Stone

Truth Seekers Will Enjoy This Book

When I read this book, I was shocked to discover the historical deceit and outright fraud that has occurred in the scientific community. I have always assumed that scientists’ goals and objectives were to acquire verifiable truth and knowledge through experimentation. Unfortunately, it is obvious… Read more “Truth Seekers Will Enjoy This Book”

Fred J. Ash
Occupation:BS, MAcc, JD

A Life-altering Paradigm Shift

Why do we teach and study science? For most of us, we expect science to be the gathering of observations and experimentation to help us better understand our world’s past, present, and future; develop problem-solving technology, learn how nature works, and discover our place within… Read more “A Life-altering Paradigm Shift”

A Life-altering Paradigm Shift
Larry D. Farris
Occupation:Investment Fund Manager

Establishes a Solid Foundation

I am inquisitive by nature and enjoy learning about how things work. This nature, coupled with growing up in the early years of personal computers, tied my education and career path to technology. One of the things I enjoyed about it was that as complicated… Read more “Establishes a Solid Foundation”

Establishes a Solid Foundation
A. Don Harrop
Occupation:Software Engineer

I Finally Found Satisfying Answers

I have always been fascinated by science and for the search for truth. However, I have often found myself frustrated by the lack of transparency behind scientific research. One study finds a certain result and the next finds the opposite, yet the scientific community never… Read more “I Finally Found Satisfying Answers”

I Finally Found Satisfying Answers
Kaitlyn E Broadbent
Occupation:M.S. Speech Language Pathologist, Mother

Nothing Short of an Iconoclastic Triumph

My interest in science began as a third-grader when I learned about the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. I found it fascinating that the addition or subtraction of a single atom in a molecule can make such a big difference in its property.… Read more “Nothing Short of an Iconoclastic Triumph”

Nothing Short of an Iconoclastic Triumph
Brian Mills
Occupation:MAI, President of KB Valuation Services

The UM Contains Real, Scientific Answers

For anyone who is interested in truth, the UM will be an adventure, as it has been for me. This is a book about science, not religion, but it may help you to awaken to a whole new way of looking at how the two… Read more “The UM Contains Real, Scientific Answers”

The UM Contains Real, Scientific Answers
Frank Johnson
Occupation:Retired Naval Intelligence Analyst

Thrilled to Learn the New Millennial Science

As the author of numerous technical articles and books, when I first started reading an early version of the Universal Model, I was electrified! For the first time in my engineering career, I realized that I was embarking on a quest for scientific truth that… Read more “Thrilled to Learn the New Millennial Science”

Thrilled to Learn the New Millennial Science
Gary T. Wright
Occupation:Inventor, Author

A Real Knowledge About Nature

When I was young I was full of questions, or so said my Dad. I’ve discovered over the years that real answers are hard to come by, especially when it comes to science. In fact, I steered away from a science major in college, not… Read more “A Real Knowledge About Nature”

A Real Knowledge About Nature
Courtney Snell